Checking your SRD grant and seeing that ‘Approved’ status is the best thing you’d ever want confirmed on the portal versus being declined.
However in most cases, the approved status for your R350 social grant is just a step closer to getting paid because SASSA would still perform the necessary checks before disbursing the amount to your bank account.
SASSA mentioned millions of beneficiaries get approved for the SRD grant but they take further steps to verify your banking information to ensure you’re not receiving any kind of money that’s over the allowed threshold.
As tough as it may seem, SASSA is only ensuring the deserving applicants get the much-needed grant funds. With high unemployment in South Africa, other families have no means of income, while others want to take advantage of the grant.
So when your grant is approved but doesn’t see any payments coming through, please just be patient with understanding your account is being reviewed before money is disbursed.
The next thing is to ensure your banking details are up to date and the account is registered in your name. It’s very important to always check and update your banking details should anything change.